Friday, February 17, 2017

two weeks notice

*Lately I've been watching Two Weeks Notice on Netflix. I forgot how much I like Hugh Grant. His characters have the most witty sense of humor and there are so many great lines. I loved Nottinghill also.

Sidenote: Donald Trump makes a cameo in this movie. Weird!!!

*Kendall eats burritos in the most interesting way. Apparently the inside is the only thing of interest.

*While we were up north last weekend, somehow Cameron finagled his grandparents into buying him a Ukulele. He takes music at school and has taken an interest in owning his own so he can practice more. He probably asked about 50 times where the package was en route. :)

*Valentines night included a special dinner of Little Caesar's and a kid requested dessert of a donut. :) Kendall helped me decorate the table.

*A screenshot of some recent texts to Chris. 
1. I was excited to be leaving earlier than I had thought and without bringing home work (sadly this has been rare lately). 
2. A couple weeks ago I stopped by Starbucks on my way to work. They were swamped and I ended up needing to leave before I got my drink. I was hoping they would remember me the following week...and I was happy that they did! 
3. A few more items for the grocery list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am expecting a good rendition of "Amazing Grace" on that ukelele the next time I'm there.