Tuesday, November 2, 2010

cry #1 and cry #2

I cried twice today. Today was Cam's first day of Pre-K. The drop off was rather difficult. He was very anxious and uncomfortable. I stayed with him for a little while, but knew it was doing more harm than good. I asked one of his teachers to sit and talk with him (they were eating snack) as I left. I knew having an adult interact with him would be helpful. He was crying a little as I left, but I held back my tears until I left the classroom. Cry #1.

An hour later I called to see how he was doing (the sweet director told me I could call as much as I wanted). Apparently he was doing great and a little girl had even latched onto him and was showing him around the playground. Cry #2 because hearing this just made my week!!!!

p.s. Does he look handsome for his first day, or what?? Grandma got him this new shirt last weekend. :)


Jessica deBruyn said...

Wow - that sounds difficult and wonderful all at the same time. You and Chris are doing such a wonderful job making some hard decisions. He does looks great!

krista said...

So glad he was doing well when you called...I am sure it was awful to leave him upset...GOOD JOB Mama :) You guys made it through the first day! It is only going to get better and easier!!!

susan said...

Ohhh, I'm so thankful. I've been praying! The girls and I prayed together this morning too. Yay, big boy!!! You will do great!!

Donna Stark said...

Yahooooooooooooooo! And thank you, Lord! Such wonderful news! This is going to be a good year for him. Oh, my, does he look handsome in that shirt! And kudos to you for getting through the morning...walking away, etc. You and Chris rock! Can't wait to hear more.

Charlee said...

glad to hear he did well!

Unknown said...

YAY for a good first day! It IS crazy how emotional we get over our children--how much we worry about them and how big those emotions are! He IS a handsome dude Kelly!