Monday, November 7, 2016


We had a nice, low key weekend. On Friday night I joked with Chris that I felt rather pathetic considering I was really excited for our Saturday morning plans, which consisted of breakfast at Panera Bread and then grocery shopping. Normal things...but fun with my family. :)

That night we dropped the kids off at my parents and went out to dinner with some friends. We got home and changed all the clocks to prepare for what we knew would be Cam's 4:30 wake up. Ha!

With the extra hour yesterday morning, I had time to make breakfast, with leftovers for the kids' school snacks this week.

My version: I cut back on the sugar in the actual recipe, but drizzled a little powdered sugar/milk mixture on top. The kids loved them!

After church we headed out to the desert. First stop, Barnes and Noble. Cameron is obsessed with Peanuts cartoon books and spent our entire time reading one he found. 

 When we got home, I had to snap a picture of Kendall's activity IN NOVEMBER. Love this weather. What is that pose??? :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm not minding the glorious weather myself :) Fun catching up with you, and I hope your other days have been better than the one you mentioned. I am of the Keep Christmas to December camp, but I'm glad you found a way to cheer yourself up 😉

So fun that you got to stay at the beach for work. If you have to be away that's a great place to do it.