Friday, November 30, 2007


This isn't a happy post, so be forwarned. As many of you know, I value sleep like nothing else. More than most, I need sleep, and I need a lot of it. My bedtime is typically 9pm. Within the past couple of months, I've been battleing insomnia on and off. It comes in spurts. For instance, in the past week, it has typically taken me 2-5 hours to fall asleep. Last night, I got one hour of (4-5am). It has been extremely discouraging and depressing for me. I'm not stressed or anxious about anything. I'm not worried about something in particular when I go to bed (except a little anxious that I'll actually fall asleep).

I'm not simply writing this to complain. I honestly would like some input from others who have struggled with this or know of others who have. A friend suggested I see an Endocronologist to get my hormone levels tested. She said 50% of thyroid problems are diagnosed after women stop breastfeeding (which would coincide with what I am dealing with).

Anyway, sorry to be a downer, but if any of you have any advice, please send it my way. Thanks.


Grandma said...

I know a couple of gals who have struggled with this in the past year. One sought assistance from a therapist which was very helpful (she didn't think she was stressed either) and the other bought some self-help tapes which helped her monitor her self-talk, recognize triggers, practice visualization, etc. She found them very helpful. She found a website that was helpful too. I'll try to find out what it was.

I'm so sorry this is recurring for you. We'll add that to the prayer list.

Ruthie said...

Oh I can relate!!! Try doing something really soothing and relaxing to get your body ready to sleep.I would take baths with lavender bubble bath. (disclaimer: I am not a bath person!) Something about the lavender and warm water was really relaxing to me. This helped me get a better nights rest, but didn't always fix the problem.

On the nights I was desperate to sleep because I hadn't slept in days I would take Tylenol PM which my doctor said was ok.

Or, there are some decaf teas that are really soothing and help with sleeping.

I hope any of that helps!!! It is so hard to explain how frustrating it is to not be able to sleep, but I get it!! I'll be praying for this! Love you!!