Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Chris finished revamping his website yesterday. He has been working on it for several months! Take a look!



Anonymous said...

OHMYWORD!! I was looking through the postcards on the site, and they're amazing. I, a humble user of markers and index cards, can't fathom how people can create things like that. =) Very eye-catching. How cool that Biola is a client too - I didn't know that!

Job well done to Chris - it's evident that a TON of work went into that site. I'm super impressed.

Donna Stark said...

Zowie! I've been anxious to see the finished product. It's really, really cool-looking!!! I love it! & I like the sentence:

"Thrive Studios generates a variety of work for its clients. Whether a client is looking for something edgy or traditional, we can find a solution to meet your needs."

Unfortunately, I can't look at the portfolio right now like Susan did--am having some trouble with my computer. :o(

Team Harry said...

wow!! looks really good!! I am impressed!!

Grandma said...

That is an awesome website!

Now that I'm on vacation (Yeah!) I'll take a closer look.

There are so many graphics, my computer was having a hard time dowloading it quickly but I got through the postcards and itdentity sections.

Who knew Chris had such a visually creative vein? We knew about is athletic creativity and his written nnd verbal creativity..but WOW!