Friday, December 17, 2010

close to home

Today was Cam's Christmas party at school. They got to wear their P.J.'s, have pizza, and make crafts. They also had a gift exchange. There was a $5 limit and boys exchanged boys, girls with girls. Cam came home with a small army men set (little tanks, men, airplanes, etc.).

As Chris was showing him the different pieces, he quickly realized that it probably was a re-gift, because many of the pieces had missing parts. I kept telling him that Cam didn't care and loved playing with it, but he kept talking about it. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal to him and then he shared with me his story...

Back when he was in 1st grade, his class had a gift exchange. He paid for the gift he gave with his own money and was so excited to open his present. What he opened included several sand toys that were used...used as in there was actually sand still in them. He was so devastated, which was why Cam's gift today hit so close to home. Don't worry, he got over did Cam. :)

I lined them all up for "battle". Here he is inspecting his troop. :)


Donna Stark said...

Wow--that looks like a pretty nifty set of soldiers for the $5 limit.

The sand toys...not so nifty. :0(

Ross and Amy Free said...
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Charlee said...

They have army style men at the dollar tree that are cops and firefighters! Also if he truly falls in like with them the toy story ones at disney are $9 and super sturdy!