Tuesday, December 15, 2015

cream cheese pie

*This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with Chris' brother's family (and his parents) since we won't see them on the actual day. The kids had a blast together. Cameron was elated with the gift he received from his cousins...a gift card to REI. :)

*On Sunday we went to my parents' after church to hear about my dad's recent trip to India. Here we are watching the videos he took.

*One of the downsides to Netflix is that they can add and remove shows anytime they want. We are only in season three (out of seven) of West Wing and just found out they are removing all seasons on Dec. 24. :(

*Dear Walmart, I guess our nice new Black Friday dishes were just too good to be true. Two out of the three sets we ordered contained a broken dish and you are proving to make returning said dishes a pain in the rump. 

*I love that my husband is so funny. We can be anywhere and the comments he consistently comes up with are just too hilarious. Sometimes it's just us in the car and I can't stop laughing. :)

*My mom made this cream cheese pie on Sunday. She's made it several times over the years and it never disappoints. It is SO easy. It actually was the first time Chris and the kids tasted it and they all raved. :)

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