Friday, September 7, 2007

least favorites

My sister's most recent post got me thinking about my least favorite foods (as well as Chris's). I've actually found that there aren't a ton on the list. I've grown to like a lot more now that I'm older. Here is a list. You might not find this that interesting, but I would find your list leave them in my comments!

*Tomatoes (will eat them sometimes only b/c they are so good for you)
*Lobster, shrimp, clams (basically anything where the texture is super squishy)
*Fruit desserts (fruit and dessert DO NOT go together--if I eat an apple pie, I'll eat the crust and crumb topping)
*Blueberries, raspberries, huckleberries (basically any berry except strawberries)
*Nuts in dessert (they are fine by themselves or in pasta...but they get in the way of my chocolate)
*Sushi (one word...yuck)

I'm sure there are more...but that is all I can think of right now. I think I know most of Chris's, so I'll do his list for him (with my added comments, of course!)

*Beans (except refried--this one is super sad for me b/c I love beans and they are so healthy and are in so many dishes)
*Veggies (except green beans and broccoli..but only in broccoli salad with the mayo dressing...this is also super sad b/c there are so many yummy veggie recipes and they are sooo good for you)
*Chocolate (this is simply a sin...I can say no more)
*Whole grain anything (he'll eat whole wheat long as it isn't super hearty/dense)
*Fish (any kind)
*Soup (he'll eat it, but it can never be the main dish...only a side dish)

Ok, your turn!


Grandma said...

I tried to do right by Chris but alas......I failed yet again. Here is my least favorite foods list:
Lima Beans
Garbanzo beans unless in hummus or soup
Brussel Sprouts
wax peppers
Swiss Chard - oops...these are all veggies too.
fake anything
tomato juice

Ruthie said...

Ok, I have learned to love all foods working at the yard house for so long, but I couldn't pass up this challenge.

Things I can stay away from
1. Candy - in any form. just not a big fan of all that sugar
2. Soda - seriously the carbonation, can't do it. minus the Root Beer with Mexican food - for some reason that is SO GOOD.
3. Slimy fish - like mussels, clams - anything that "slides down your throat is not appealing
4. Nuts. All nuts in anything.
5. Cherry, anything cherry. So not my thing.
6. Hot Sauce. yuck.
7. Fruit and Dessert - with you on this one.
8. Milk. I only put it in my coffee and cereal.

I think that is about it, but I am sure I could come up with some other things.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your list except that I DO like tomatoes. And I do NOT like eggs. BLECH.

Anonymous said...

Anything spicy (WHY in the world do people like their mouth to burn???)
Bitter lettuce
Baked okra
Uncooked fish