Wednesday, September 12, 2007


There are a lot of statistics out there regarding the number of words said by women vs. men per day. I would venture to say that Chris and I are actually pretty even. I'm lucky that Chris is very good about sharing details with me that typically men wouldn't share (such as topics covered during a time out with friends). I think normally he wouldn't do this, but he knows how much I love hearing it, so he indulges me.

There is a difference in our talking, however. I tend to do a lot of talking to myself...or maybe it would be called rhetorical talking. For instance, we just got back from Costco and as we were about to drive into the driveway, Chris said, "Do you realize you have been talking non-stop since we got off the freeway?" In fact, I had done that very thing! Here is a portion of my ramblings: "I think we should try more hole in the wall places to eat...let's go for dinner with Cam at that one Mexican place...what if I had told that lady at Costco to move...ha-ha...that was so awkward when I tried to get past that lady, wasn't it?..." My train of thought was all over the place!!

Another thing I do (and I think this comes from my mom because she always does this) is to slow down when I'm driving and talking at the same time. If I'm really into what I'm saying, I'll ease off the gas, without realizing it. Many times, Chris will put his hand on my leg (like to push my foot down on the gas) in a joking manner to let me know I need to speed up. :)

So there are my thoughts today on talking. Any input?


Team Harry said...

Hilarious!!! I love that you even want to talk to all of us about all this!! I have a husband who likes to talk a lot and a lot of times I don't want to... I am okay with silence.

Grandma said...

They say you don't have to worry about talking to yourself unless you start answering your own questions. I don't have to worry however, because before I can answer myself, I have forgotten the question - ha!

Anonymous said...

I often find myself suddenly blurting out something that I have gotten to in my silent train of thought and then Eric is like, "Where the heck did that come from?" I then have to back track and explain how one very random thing led to another!

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty as charged on the slowing down while talking. You probably did inherit it. Had Chris said anything in response to you since you left the freeway? :o)

Bethany said...

I love that having a baby gives me an excuse to talk all the time. Sometimes, when Ezekiel is home wtih Kevan, I find myself still talking out loud at the market..."Oh, look, avocados are on sale! Aren't we lucky today!"

Anonymous said...

you are so funny!

i did a lot of talking to myself when my kids were younger, but now that they are older they'll actually ask, "who are you talking to mom?" or "are you talking to me, mom?"