Saturday, March 22, 2008


Chris's parents came to visit a couple of days ago. We had a great time and Cam was such a good host, giving them quite a few shows demonstrating his new talking skills (or I should say gibberish skills...but this is a great improvement for him and quite exciting for us!) Yesterday we went to Victoria Gardens. We had talked so much about the place, they were anxious to see what it was like. Cam had a great time on the playground and we enjoyed walking around. Cam was very spoiled with all of the attention from his grandparents as well as the biggest Easter basket I've ever seen filled with all sorts of goodies!

That night they watched Cam while we met Susan and Chris for dinner. This was the second time we had gotten to go out, just the four of us...wish we could do it more often, however sadly they leave to go back home in a week.

This morning, after Cam and I got back from MyGym (I've switched to here from Gymboree. It is AWESOME and I would highly recommend it if you have one in your area. They have constant activities and stimulating things for the kiddos) we headed out to Chris's brother's house for Easter with his side of the family. When it comes to holiday meals with little kids, I'm all for making it simple. We had a bbq and it was so much easier than making the huge, traditional meal. We are doing the same with my side tomorrow. I'm sure once the kids get older, we'll go back to the typical feast, but for now, it's all about the making it as easy as possible.


Anonymous said...

Very fun! I'm so glad Cam had a great day and is gibberishing up a storm!! Very exciting. =)

Meeting you and Chris for dinner is always a highlight for us. And not just because of the Motherlode. =)

Anonymous said...

How GREAT that your in-laws will give you a night out with Susan & Chris. What a gift!

And how FUN that Cam had a good day and is talking up a blue streak. :) That is exciting!

Team Harry said...

Isn't Easter fun? I love it!!
Glad you had a night out with your sis. I wihs you were bringing Cam with you when you come here : )

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time! My mom and I met at Victoria Gardens last week, and I thought of you!

Unknown said...

Yep, I agree--making holidays kid-friendly is the way to go...'cause if the kids aren't happy...ain't nobody happy. :o)

Donna Stark said...

Oops--that last comment was from "Mom," not "John."