Thursday, October 23, 2008


Cam has two favorite stuffed animals. Lamar, the sheep, and, the bear. Why, you ask, does the sheep have a cool name and the bear not? We hadn't anticipated Cam to take so much to the bear (so we didn't start calling it something from the beginning, like we did with Lamar). Let's be honest, it is rather ugly. But for some reason, he became attached and also became attached to the boring name of Bear.

When I was young, my blanket was named Gaggy. I have no idea why it was named this. It was simply a yellow blanket that I took everywhere and I HAD to have when I went to bed. Sadly I don't know what happened to it but it sure brings back fond memories.

When Chris was young, he had three playmates, imaginary that is. Their names were Nibbits Kabit, Maydates, and Bennett Snurf. These three great pals would provide lots of fun play time for Chris, that is until he reached the point of being too old for imaginary playmates. So how does one get rid of imaginary pals? Flush them down the toilet of course! And they were never heard of again. :(


Anonymous said...

LOL!! who names a blanket Gaggy. HA!! I had a tiny stuffed hippo named Fee Fee who I took with me everywhere. i used to even sew clothes for him. but i would never flush little Fee Fee down the toilet (tsk tsk)

Donna Stark said...

He flushed his imaginary friends down the TOILET??? Oh, my goodness! A little girl would never do that!

The reason your blanket was "gaggy" was because that's the best you could pronounce "blanket" when you started talking. :o)

I think that's precious that Cam likes them both.