Sunday, November 9, 2008

sweet taste of failure

I'm done. I'm really done. Yes, we have made great progress with Cam's eating as far as the variety of foods he'll now eat. However "he'll eat" should be followed by the fact that it is a struggle every single meal time to get him to eat these foods. Crying, occasional screaming, and raisin bribery are common place. Today at lunch he refused to eat his lunch (shredded pork, beans, peas). So he didn't eat. I tried the meal twice and no luck.

So Chris and I decided to take him for a walk b/c he was beyond irritable due, we think, to hunger. However the walk was flop and we came home early and...yes...gave in. PB sandwich? Here you go. Banana? Here you go. Cereal? Why not. We failed and probably ruined the progress we had made in getting him to realize that he needs to eat what we give him.

And tonight we are going to my mom's for dinner. Will we attempt some new foods? Nope. I'm done for today. Tomorrow sounds like a great day to begin this food ordeal again. But today, we are ok with failure. We just want a peaceful dinner.


Jen Epperson said...

I'm sorry Kelly, that must be so frustrating. You aren't a failure though! There are always good days and bad ones. And Praise God that tomorrow is always a new day. I hope that it goes better tomorrow!!

Bethany said...

Just know that every parent battles with their kids over something... and we all reach a breaking point! Sometimes, for your own sanity, you just need to call it quits for the day and start afresh tomorrow. Sounds like you're doing a great job, Kelly!