Thursday, October 6, 2011

*Heading to my in-laws tomorrow. Kids couldn't be more excited. Kendall is the MOST excited about seeing the "scary eyes"...a.k.a. the lights on my MIL's printer in her office. Go figure. :)

*Yesterday's rain? I'm good. Let's stay dry for another month and then I could do another day. :) What to do before school...what to do...?

*Ordered a pirate costume off Ebay for Cam. He is very excited.:)

*I heard somewhere that Starbucks now has a Salted Caramel Frappuchino. All of our road trips start with a Frappuchino for me. That combined with the $5 Starbucks card I recently won at a baby shower makes me think I'll give this one a go tomorrow.

*I had a fleeting thought of possibly (key word "possibly") starting to jog in the mornings before the kids get up. However Kendall has started giving us some 5:30 out went that idea.

*Thank you, Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch , for providing my kids with much joy EVERY time we pass your big pumpkins on the freeway advertising your location. :)


Anonymous said...

Of course, Cameron and Kendall replaced all the cushions...

Excited to drive 5 hours to see some lights on a printer, huh? Well, whatever rings her bells...


susan said...

That was a fun post. =) Love the scary eyes!! That is TOOOOO funny that that's what she's looking forward to!!!!! =)

Unknown said...

Aubree loves those pumpkins too she calles them her pumpkins and loves them everytime we pass!