*Yesterday morning I spilled hot chocolate on my laptop. I think it's done. What a lame'o I am. :(
*Cameron has been into Pokeman cards for a while now. It's so cute to see how excited he gets with his friends "battling" and trading all the time. Kendall recently got into the game as well and they love to do their Pokeman thing. :)
*Karate (actually it's Tae Kwan Do) was yesterday. It went okay...but I had a truckload of mother guilt last night. Cam does not goof off at all, however he really struggles in paying attention. The moves he does are delayed a few seconds from the rest of the class simply because his mind is elsewhere. I talked to him about it after class. Although I was extremely gentle and kind in my words and tone of voice, it still brought him to tears. Not sure why I felt the need to say something RIGHT after class. And this was only his second class, for gosh sakes! Ugh. Keep your mouth shut, Kelly. :(
*I subbed a half day yesterday. I love half days because I feel like I don't miss anything since I still get to pick up the kids. :)
*I know I said I was going to take December off from working out...but...um...that didn't really happen. What DID happen was taking December and every day since then off. And I'll be completely honest, I don't have definite plans to go back soon. I guess I'm waiting for the motivation to return. :)
I just laughed when I saw this. Most moms (I'm guilty too) wear yoga pants to drop the kids off at school :)
*I like to have a show that I can watch if Chris has to work or wants to watch sports at night. I tend to start a show, watch several episodes, then quit for various reasons (usually it's too unrealistic or gets too dirty). I don't have any shows now, so I decided to try a documentary. We'll see how I like "
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" :)
Sidenote: Yes, Bachelor is super dumb and unrealistic. I guess that is my one exception. :) However in my defense, I end up fast forwarding half the show to get through said super dumb parts. :)