Thursday, October 22, 2009


So today I was watching Sandra Lee's Semi Homemade on the Food channel. Her "theme" was a playgroup for her nephews. Chris happened to walk in while I was watching...

Chris: Wow, nothing says a boys playdate like whole wheat pitas!
Me: She said her nephew likes pitas and that's why she is using them!
Chris: Well, he needs to think about what the other boys will like...oohh, she is putting the dip in a lettuce cup! I bet the boys will go crazy over that! Lettuce!!
Me: Whatever! I think kids would totally like this dip.
Chris: Maybe she should suggest they do their math homework next. That would be a GREAT play date!

Very heated arguments go on over here...and about very important issues indeed. :)


Donna Stark said...

Glad I checked your blog...I almost went to bed without a good chuckle for the day!

Jana said...

What if the dip is covered with oodles of bacon bits, Chris?

Ross and Amy Free said...

Great point about the bacon. It certainly adds a lot. Speaking of bacon, Amy and I went to the NC State Fair this week and a got a piece of bacon dipped in chocolate. They called it a "pig licker", I called it heaven.