Tuesday, June 22, 2010



...in my DVD player: Baby Einstein. I'm weaning Kendall (sad) and she is NOT happy when I get her up in the morning. Baby Einstein seems to distract pretty well.

...in my CD player: "San Clemente Mix": When Chris and I used to take road trips, we would make a CD for the trip with our favorite songs. Our friends made fun of us for how cheesy this was. This mix was from a leadership retreat we had for our church down by the beach.

...in my night stand for reading: Infidel

...in Cam's lunchbox at school: Yogurt, peanuts, string cheese, granola bar (yes, I'm not doing too well on the creative lunch box contents)

...on my tivo waiting to be watched: Bachelor (get rid of the wrestler!!)

...on my ipod: Dave Ramsey podcasts

1 comment:

Donna Stark said...

Is listening to Dave Ramsey helping keep your "enthusiasm" (is that too strong a word?) for sticking to your budget up?