Sunday, June 27, 2010


Saturday Chris took Cam to breakfast (when I say "breakfast", it's not like they go get a huge Grand Slam. Their routine is to get a donut for Cam, then head to McDonald's where Chris gets an Egg McMuffin). Kendall and I stayed back and went for a walk. After her nap, we headed out to Palm Springs for lunch at Costco and playtime at the mall. Sidenote: the Costco in Palm Springs has a crazy amount of samples each time we go. Yum! Jen, and her daughter, Millie, came over later for dinner and to hang out. Millie, despite not being too into going down for bed, was such a content little thing. While we hung out, Chris went and saw, "Grown Ups". He gave it a 7.5.

Sunday morning we hung out at home, then went to third service. I left Kendall with instructions to call me if she cried hard for 10 minutes. They buzzed me after 4. That's how hysterical she was. Kind of discouraging, but she has been doing really well with my mom, so there is a bright side to our bootcamp progress. Chris and Cam went to lunch and then to Walmart while I stayed back and Kendall took her second nap. When they got home, we got out our little pool and both kids had a fun time.

Chris and I are about to enjoy some frozen Gourmet Pizza we got a while back. Sorry no pictures!

p.s. I'm going on day 7 after stopping nursing Kendall. She's pretty used to it by now, but OH, MY GOSH AM I SORE!!! I never experienced this when I weaned Cam. I can't believe how painful it is and I'm counting down the days until I feel normal (the doc said it takes 7-10 days!). This is not fun!!


Bonnie said...

I'm glad that your bootcamp is helping but sorry that she cried so hard at church this morning. Wow, about your p.s., ugh! The things that we go through for our children, right?

susan said...

They buzzed you after just 4 minutes? Bummer they didn't give her longer (but I sure know it's hard when there are a bunch of other little ones to care for too!!) =)

Charlee said...

It sounds odd but the cabbage leaves thing does work to stop the milk I don't know how but it helps with some of the pain