Wednesday, March 13, 2013

weekend up north

Some highlights at the in-laws':

*Our 11th anniversary was Saturday.  We ordered food from Chris' favorite restaurant, "Espe's".  I think I should be allowed one cheesy thing to say since our anniversary only comes once a one might ask if I would have rather go out with just Chris to a fancy restaurant.  Nope.  I really could care less about setting aside a night.  I just don't need it since I have the most amazing husband every single day of the year anyway. :)  Okay, I'm done. :)

*Our favorite pumpkin patch, Hillcrest, was open (obviously without pumpkins).  The kids LOVED riding the train, running around the trails, and climbing all over their play house and castle.

*We got to hear Chris' dad preach on Sunday.  I had never heard him before so it was neat for all of us to be there.  He did a great job!  Here are the kids after church.

*The kids helped Debbie bake homemade rolls and cake.  In addition, Debbie played about a gazillion games of Uno with Cameron.  To say this boy is obsessed with that game is an understatement!

*Monday I visited my friend Jana for the morning.  The kids played so well that we got a lot of talking done...which is one of my favorite things to do with her.  Such a great friend...

*Debbie treated me to a pedicure...sooooooo relaxing!

*Debbie had baked a cake for our first night there.  This cake was responsible for the next three nights of sending me to bed with a stomach ache (seriously) due to the size of my bowl.  It is among my top five favorite cakes.  Amazing.  I mentioned it a long time ago because not only is it so yummy, but it's super easy because it's made in the crock pot. :)  It's called Chocolate Mess.


Jessica said...

I don't know why I thought your anniversary was in the summer. I guess I was wrong :) Happy anniversary!!!!

Is Chris' dad a pastor???? I had no idea he was in ministry!!!

I'm so glad you posted that recipe, my mom requested something yummy and chocolate for her birthday dinner on Sunday and I was trying to find something to make. I'm going to try that!

Anonymous said...

Awww, such a great weekend!! So glad you can have those!