Monday, July 21, 2014

balancing it all

*Chris is a "fan" of Baker's Drive-Thru on FB and they will often post daily deals. Today was Root-beer floats for $1. We had a big day in the sun... the kids were very in the mood for a frozen treat. :) The drinks were A LOT bigger than I thought they would be but it was too late to tell them they had to split. Ha! Oh,'s summer after all. :)

*I'm struggling so much with meal planning. How on earth could this be possible with things like Pinterest and the fact that reading cooking magazines is one of my favorite things to do? Ugh.

*My sister and I are taking the kids to see Epic tomorrow at the $1 kid movies at Krikorian. I'm excited because the kids will like it, but it's 2 1/2 hours!! As I've gotten older, I've become less and less of a movie person. I lose interest quickly and often don't finish movies or have to watch them in two parts.

*It's been about a month since I stabbed my hand during my turkey burger incident. I can't believe I'm still tender to the point that clapping causes too much vibration and hurts.

*I just finished Balancing it All. I've always thought Candace Cameron was so cute (not to mention I was a big Full House fan). I skimmed a lot of it but she really had some good things to say about how she keeps her relationship with Christ the priority in her life and how she weaves that into parenting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book. Always good to keep refreshing ourselves in ways to keep our walk with Christ first.