Sunday, August 17, 2008

the rest of the weekend...

Saturday of my "me" weekend started with waking up and laying in bed watching TV for an hour or so. Seems like not that big of a deal but for someone who gets up at the crack of dawn with Cam, to actually just snuggle back in my covers once I woke up was heavenly. I later picked up my mom and we went to Victoria Gardens for lunch and some shopping.

Sunday morning I drove out to see my friend Cheryl and her new baby. I then drove to my friend Jen's church to see her daughter, Ella, get baptized. I don't have pics of either which I'm very mad at myself about. Overall I had such a nice and relaxing weekend. I've been doing a lot of self evaluation lately (no particular reason) and am realizing more and more what an introvert I am. Yes, I love to be around good friends and love good conversation, but I also love to be by myself and am thankful I didn't make any plans this weekend besides lunch with my mom. I'm also so thankful to have a husband whose idea this whole weekend was in the first place. :)

Cam and Chris arrived back this afternoon. Cam had a wonderful time with his grandparents. As is typical, he spent the majority of the time outside their home, roaming around in the 100 degree heat. Maybe it is a boy thing, but I have never seen a kid love to be outside more than he does.

He loves their dogs. Click on the picture and you can see his huge grin.

I love this picture because it is such a boy shot...dirt and a dump truck.


Donna Stark said...

What a wonderful, relaxing weekend for you...and what a guy to suggest it! Shopping and lunch was fun for me, too!

That is the CUUUUUTEST picture of Cameron smiling in his baseball cap. I'm ordering a print.

Jessica said...

How nice that you could have a weekend like that to recharge and just "be", what a great husband you have to do that!

Team Harry said...

What a dream to have ur house all to yourself for the weekend!! Glead you enjoyed it and Cam and Chris could get away for some bonding!! Very Cool!!