Tuesday, September 2, 2008

you go, Chris

Something that really gets my blood boiling is when people are rude for no reason (yes, it's not nice to be rude no matter what, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying). Like when you ask a salesperson a question and they roll their eyes are or just abrupt when they deal with you...grrrr.

Anyway, this past weekend we went to Target. While I was keeping Cam occupied (by sitting and watching the automatic doors open and shut), Chris checked out. To set it up, there was a woman and her daughter in front of him. They had apparently paid for their purchase with some sort of WIC/government stamp. Ok, so here is what happened:

Cashier: (very politely) I'm sorry ma'am but your stamps only allow you to purchase certain items, so you owe $1.69 in addition.
Woman: I don't understand, I shouldn't have anything left over and shouldn't have to pay anything
Cashier: I'm sorry, but your coupons stipulate that you can only purchase certain items, so you owe $1.69
Woman: You mean you owe $1.69 PLEASE!
Cashier: Ok, you owe $1.69 please.

At this point, the woman gets the money out and the cashier puts her hand out for the money. The woman looks at her, then places the money on the counter, just out of reach of her hand.

Woman: I want to talk to your manager!
Cashier: Ok, I'll have to call her

Enough is enough...
Chris: There is no need to get a manager for this. Ma'am, this girl has been nothing but nice to you. You just need to pay her $1.69 and there is no need to call the manager
Woman: Well, she has been very rude
Chris: Well, I've been standing here the whole time and she hasn't been
Woman: Well, I want a manager
Chris: Then I'm going to wait here for the manager too and tell her what I saw.
Woman: I don't have time to wait around for this
Chris: I don't either, but I will

Woman storms off.

I was so proud of Chris for that. The cashier was nothing but respectful toward the woman and it would have been wrong for her to have to accept how this woman was treating her. So you go Chris. :)


Ross and Amy Free said...

Nice, that is handing that situation perfectly and level headed. I am proud of Chris, too.

Team Harry said...

One thing I hate is when people think they are always "Owed everything".... That person doesn't work and is still provided for... She should be thankful!! Good going Chris!!

Donna Stark said...

Awesome! ...plus how grateful the young cashier was. Yes, you go, Chris.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this. Plus, the thing is that the woman was irritated with the policy (it seems) and the cashier has nothing to do with that. She didn't make it up. And she doesn't have a choice about whether to enforce it or not either.

Misdirected anger. (Unreasonable, too!)

Yeah for Chris! Did the cashier say anything to Chris?

Anonymous said...

YAY Chris!! fighting for the little guy!! i love it. you're right, that poor cashier probably would have gotten in trouble on account of rude customer. so glad he was able to vouch for her!!