Sunday, January 2, 2011

couple goals

I've never stuck to a New Years' resolution entirely except for once, and you'll probably not believe me when I tell you. I actually gave up chocolate for an entire year. Yep. I still can't believe I did it. It was back in college. I'm quite proud of myself and it felt really good at the end of the year, considering how much I ADORE chocolate. It did open my eyes to other kinds of dessert (no, not the dreaded fruit/dessert combo, but things like caramel and butterscotch), which was the only good thing, I guess.

Anyway, this year I have several things I'd like to improve on. I'll share two. The first is reading through the Bible. Our church challenged the whole congregation and Chris and I decided to join. I like the idea of doing it together with so many other people. I also like the idea of doing it, period. It's something I never done and am ashamed that I have been a Christian this long and have to say that.

The second is to increase the variety of my kids eating. I feel like they eat pretty healthy, but I'm horrible at giving them a variety. A big reason is that Cam is VERY simple in his eating tastes. He doesn't like things mixed, like casseroles, tacos, pastas with stuff in them, etc. He doesn't even like meat. The good thing is that he'll always eat what we tell him to, with pretty minimal protests. However it takes him FOREVER to do so. So I also need to figure out how to tackle that. Do I set a timer and he's done at the end? He goes to bed soon after dinner, so I know he won't ask for something later. So do I just give him a bigger breakfast in the morning, since I know he'll be starving? All questions we'll have to navigate, but something needs to be done. He is too old for me to still be bringing food to people's houses (I probably still will to restaurants because I'm all for saving money and not having to buy him a kids meal, since he doesn't seem to care!).


Donna Stark said...

A wonderful goal of reading the Bible through this year. I'm going to do it too. I've already enjoyed the online "article" for each day's reading.

And a great goal for the eating, too. Maybe Jessica Seinfeld's book has a few ideas.

Charlee said...

It sound sodd but we had an eating phase with Breven. What we did was deconstruct foods for him. Pike I got divided plates and would take all the insides of a taco and put them in parts of the plate for him then we would eat the whole taco. After a while he asked up to make him one like ours and slowly he added more and more into his taco. The first ones were just meat and cheese in a shell, then he added beans then he added tomato. Now he eats a full regular taco or burrito! This worked with pasta tosses and casseroles as well. Took longer to do meals but worth it in the end!