Sunday, March 13, 2011

get me to the morning

I made some goodies today for tomorrow night. I'm having a few friends over to watch The Bachelor finale. As I type, I have the biggest tummy ache I've had in a while. Why do we insist on continuing to eat cookies after we've already made ourselves sick on the dough? Wouldn't the discomfort of a full tummy stop us from continuing to make it worse? Ugh!!! I just want to fall asleep so it will be gone in the morning (except I will have trouble going to sleep since I can't turn over on my stomach due to my full tummy).


Laura said...

Sooo jealous I can't share treats and watch the finale with you and the girls!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I think having to sit through the Bachelor finale would turn my stomach about as much as all that cookie dough. ; )

Anonymous said...

Disgusted with myself!!! That's how I feel when I do that with sweets!!! And determined not to do it again! --Mom :o(

Kelly said...

Yes...I'm determined not to do it again either...until the next time rolls around and I forget how gross I felt!!! :)

Jessica said...

Oh man... haha. I HATE cookie dough, it's the baked cookie's I would have been chowing down on :)