Wednesday, May 20, 2009

cam and kendall

So far, Cam has been much better with Kendall than we had previously thought. He still has a hard time when she makes noises (any noise), but I'm hoping that will get better with time. His interactions with her are quite unique. He giggles when she sneezes and always asks where she is ("baby?"). However the funniest interactions are when he pokes her head and touches her head with his head. For some reason this is as far as he will go in showing affection for his little sister. :) We caught a video of both because it is just too funny. Take a look...


Jen said...

That cracks me up! It's a great sign of affection!!!

Ashley said...

That is exactly how Finn was with Bennett at first. His idea of kissing her was touching his head to hers. He still wipes off his lips after he kisses her. :)

Donna Stark said...

It IS too cute to see him do that and giggle! And I'm praying that her noises will bother him less and less as time goes on.

susan said...

That is so cute!!! I am THRILLED that he is handling her presence better than you thought. That's what I'm praying for. =)

Jessica said...

That makes me laugh because Ethan also gives head butts as a sign of affection :) Is it just a boy thing?

Jana said...

That's hilarious! And he approaches her so gently!