Monday, September 14, 2009


I often tease my sister for being too much of a rules follower. Here is our recent email exchange:

Susan: Kelly -did you know that it’s bad for ducks to feed them bread? It expands in their stomachs.
Me: That must be German ducks. American ducks are supposed to eat bread.
Susan: I saw this on the internet and it’s what I’ve heard too….Bread is really bad for ducks. If you want to feed at a local pond, buy a small, cheap bag of birdseed. Bread makes ducks feel "full" and then they don't eat the healthy natural things they need for nutrition
Me: Chris said maybe you need to have another kid so you don't have too much time on your hands to research things like this.
Susan: I’m not kidding!!!! Look it up. I was told this a long time ago and I looked it up again tonight. It is true – it’s bad for them. You REALLY shouldn’t feed them bread! How can you do it with a good conscience now that you know it’s bad for their bodies – just because your child thinks it’s fun??!!!! I will report you.
Me: Again, go get pregnant. I will buy birdseed the next time I'm at Walmart.

p.s. In case you are wondering, I do believe her theory on ducks and I will buy birdseed from now on. I just wanted to give her a hard time because she has popped up with all sorts of things like this..."Kelly, it's bad to turn off the microwave mid cycle....Kelly, that hurts the chair's legs to sit like that..." I've started saying, "Quote your source!!". Hehe :)


kw said...

oh great! as a fellow rule-abider, I can no longer feel morally sound feeding, or watching others feed, ducks bread :P thanks alot, kelly :)

Team Harry said...

That's soooo funny!!

Donna Stark said...

Oh, fudge! No more bread-feeding!

Another little warning (although of a more serious nature)...don't leave your child alone eating grapes. A little blurb in the paper this week reported that a 2-year-old (in Hesperia, I believe) choked to death on a grape in his carseat. The driver pulled over as fast as possible, but... I can't imagine their grief.

susan said...

See where I got it from! From mom! =)

I told Chris about it, and he was like, "Susan, you tell her about the ducks once and then you just leave it."

So I didn't write a 4th email back. =)

But it really is bad for them - it makes them feel full (with something that is nutrition-less) and then they don't eat the lake algae and other nasties in the lake that DO give them nutrition.

There really should be signs posted at every location where ducks congregate.

In fact, maybe I will start post signs MYSELF!!

ps: I bet everyone reading this is wishing they could have a big sister just like me. hardy har. But really, who else will look out for ducks, microwaves, and stool legs??!!!

Anonymous said...

I stopped feeding the ducks bread a few years ago too. I had heard similar things and was noticing the deformed ducks at a local park... I thought it just kept them fat and lazy from migrating so they wound up morphed with inbred problems! As a true friend to Susan I choose to boycott bread for ducks. I did however hear that Cat food is good for them, so I've tried that a few times since we have cat food on hand...however it is hear say as I've never sited any sources on that one!
You silly sisters crack me up!
Amy Vanden Berg

Ross and Amy Free said...

I think this is the same thing that happens to me when I eat too much Wendy's- there is no room for the nutritious food. Oh well.