Saturday, September 5, 2009

potty training

We celebrated Cam's birthday today. I'll blog about that once I get some pictures, but I wanted to post this because I would love some feedback. I'm in the process of deciding how to tackle potty training. I'm working with his pre school teacher as she will be implementing whatever strategy I decide on while he is at school. She suggested pumping him with fluids, then sitting him on the potty for 10-15 minutes every half hour. To be honest, making him sit for that long so frequently seems REALLY overwhelming and difficult.

Do any of you have a good book you went by, especially for boys? I'd love some strategy help. Everyone told me to not even try to potty train until he was three. Well, the magic birthday has come and I need to get going on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Nikki said...

Ok So I a friend of Jessica.. I watch kids at home and helped my friend potty train her son... I would let him have as much as he wanted to drink and I took him to the bathroom every 30 mins and he would sit there until he went.. And 9 out 10 times he went rite away. We did have a few accidents but not many and he was potty trained in about 3 weeks with no accidents during the day... And he really liked stickers so everytime he went I would give him a sticker.. and I also let him pick out a toddler toliet at the store which he loved.. It was easier for him to sit on that than to climb on the toliet..Hope this helps

susan said...

I really think that having them go naked (from the waist down) is really effective. But yeah, it's scary. It's one time I'm thankful for tile floors. =) (But really, there were few accidents. I think it helps them to be much more aware...)

I've also heard of having the child wear underwear inside his diaper so that he can experience the uncomfortable wet feeling (which he won't like and would hopefully help motivate him).... without the mess that you'd have if you only put underwear on him...

Ashley said...

I started by taking Finnley to the store and letting him pick out his own underwear. He picked out trains and cars of course! It's important for him to have underwear he likes so he won't want to mess them up. Anytime he was at home I had him just in the underwear. He didn't like it when he had an accident on the floor!! They know that it's not a good thing when the pee goes on the floor. I would just try to take him maybe around every 20-30 minutes( I wasn't that crazy about timing it. Don't stress yourself too much!). I didn't give him extra fluids just what he normally drinks during the day. He also has a padded Elmo seat that fits on the toilet. I like that because it teaches him to go on the big potty but, he feels a little bit safer on it and can't fall in :) The first time he did pee in the potty he got a new train or car ( I already had it stashed at home so he got it right away). We did the same for the first time he did #2. After that, he would get a sticker each time he went pee and would put in on a chart. When he filled up a row on the chart he would get a prize (usually a little 99 cent car)We rewarded a little bigger when he did #2 because that was the part that scared him the most. He needed a little extra push to do #2. It's a little bit expensive at first but, you eventually start to faze that out. Trust me, it's worth it!! Diapers are a lot more expensive! We would get really excited for him everytime he went and he loved that!! The Elmo Potty Time video was a great purchase! It's so funny! Sorry this was a long comment but, I hope it helps! :)

Desiree said...

Potty training was tough for Trenton - he just didn't care and liked wearing diapers. I ended up training in one weekend. I let him run naked around the house and when he peed on the floor, he had to clean it. Eventually he didn't want to clean it anymore and started going in the toilet! Personally, the method of putting him on the toilet every 20 minutes didn't work and was very taxing on me, too.


Charlee said...

I have the no cry potty training solution which even covers things about kids with special needs and has lots of ideas you can use to create your own potty training plan. If you want to borrow it let me know I can walk up the street and drop it off to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelly. This is Heather Heckler. Abby surprised us by wanting to go on the potty at around 21 months old. I wasn't ready for potty training -- hadn't read any books etc. -- but didn't want to discourage it. The run around naked idea wasn't feasible for the time she was in day care, so we did the whole taking her to the potty every 20-30 min., combined with wearing underwear only while we were at home. We did no sit for too long -- five, maybe ten minutes. One thing that helped with the sitting was that we bought two new books just for "potty time." One was a book about going potty, complete with a toilet flushing sound button for her to push. The other was just a regular book. It definitely made sitting there more fun. We're not totally there yet, but we only wear underwear and can often go a day without an accident. Hope that helps!

Bethany said...

We are potty training Ezekiel right now too! We are trying the naked thing while we are at home, and it is working like a charm! It's only taken a few days for him to get the hang of it, and tomorrow I will start having him hang out around the house in underwear...we'll see how it goes!

This is our 2nd attempt at potty training and it is going dramatically different than the first. So, here's my biggest tip: Make sure Cam is ready before you push it. Ezekiel was definitely not ready the first time I tried it (just 2 months ago), and it did not go well. The biggest thing that's changed since then is bladder control. He now goes several hours with a dry diaper and wakes up from naps and night-time dry....not the case 2 months ago. So, anyway, if you have a really hard time with Cam don't be discouraged! He just may not be ready and it's not worth it to push him. Feel free to call or email if you want to talk more!