Tuesday, February 9, 2010

free breakfast

Chris read that Denny's was offering free Grand Slam breakfasts this morning and he wanted to take Cameron. So I guess Cam waking up at 5:00 a.m. worked out for the best. Yes, that's the way we'll look at it. :)


Charlee said...

Breven used to get up every day at 5am until he was about 3 1/2 closer to 4 and now he is up at 6am after the last time change it used to be 5:30 I feel your pain!!

susan said...

UGH!! No breakfast is worth that wake-up time!! =( Hopefully it won't be too long before you can train him that he's not allowed to get up before he sees a certain number on the clock - and that number won't be 5 !!! =) Once the girls were able to tell when the clock said "7" things were wonderful. =)

Anonymous said...

I saw on the news that people were lined up outside Denny's this morning to take advantage of this freebie. I hope Cam's early wake up time enabled them to beat the crowds!