Sunday, December 7, 2008

hot chocolate

Whenever we visit Chris's parents, I always know they'll be well stocked with hot chocolate mix since both my sister-in-law and I love the stuff. This past trip, they had the most delicious mix I have ever tasted. I ended up buying a bag when I got home. I'm currently sipping on my 4th cup of the day. In my defense, I make it with milk, so I along with baby are getting lots of calcium! I do need to cut back as this stuff isn't on the cheap side. If you are a fan of hot chocolate, you can purchase this at Walmart. You won't be disappointed. :)

p.s. I have made it a few times with whole milk. Soooo much better, but so evil I know!


Jessica said...

Wow, four cups? That's even worse than my coffee addiction ;)

Donna Stark said...

There's something "emotionally sweet" about sipping hot chocolate, too.

Anonymous said...

I just went grocery shopping and bought the kind you recommend. I'll try it this evening... I'm very excited!

Team Harry said...

Is that baby doing flips with all the chocolate?

Sounds great!! I want some!!

Ashley said...

Looks like I will be making a trip to Walmart soon! :)