Thursday, December 25, 2008

oh my

"Dear me! I am stuffed. I don't know how else my mom can convince you to make those Land of Nod rolls. You are truly missing out if you haven't tried them yet. Oh my belly hurts..."

p.s. If you do make them, I forgot to mention that you should put some foil underneath the pan as they tend to drip and can make your oven a mess. Also, it's important to invert it onto a platter as this is how all the gooey goodness gets through it.


Anonymous said...

You BE SURE and tell Cameron that AUNTIE SUSAN is responsible for his delicious Christmas breakfast!!!

The Urke Family said...

I made the rolls this morning...yum. I decided it is our new christmas tradtion!

Anonymous said...

I made a batch for both sides of our families, and they were a Christmas morning hit! Thanks for the recipe! :)

Donna Stark said...

I'm just waiting to be invited to a morning thing so I can bring these!!