Monday, January 18, 2010

day off

This morning on the radio the DJ said, "It is a wet one out there. If you have the day off from work, it's a great day to snuggle up with some hot chocolate and watch movies."

I turned to Kendall and said, "Looks like I should be getting the day off from work today. Can I snuggle up and watch movies all day in bed?". I think her blank stare was a definite "NO".

Hmmm..."Cameron, today I'm supposed to be off from work. Can I stay in bed and watch movies?". His look said, "I don't think so, mom. But look on the bright side, I have an ear infection and should be extra cheerful today!" (in his defense, after some Tylenol, he really has been quite fine).

Ahhh...staying at home.


Donna Stark said...

HA! Yes, those cute comments from the radio don't apply to mommies, do they?

Jessica said...

**smiling and nodding in agreement**

Jen Scholte said...

I like to! Days off just aren't what they used to be!

Jana said...

That is one big bummer to being a stay at home mom... you live at your office and there's always work to be done.

susan said...

OOOOOOOOOOhhhh I relate!!!! =) It's like hearing people saying, "Yes!! It's Friday! It's almost the weekend!!"

And you think, "Weekend? What is THAT???"