Tuesday, March 9, 2010

8 years

Today Chris and I celebrate 8 years of marriage. I know I've made lists before about things I love about him, so I'll just sum it up in one short sentence: Chris makes my life fun and is the most helpful, intuitive, funny, loving husband I could ever want. We often joke that we are literally with each other 24/7. Since he works from home, unless he is in his office, we generally do almost everything together. I can honestly say I love that aspect of our lives and I find myself missing him when he does have to be gone. So Happy Anniversary Chris! Thanks for being the best husband and father I could ever ask for!


Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary!

Jessica said...

you got married the same year we did :)

susan said...

Yeah for 8 years!!! I am SO thankful God brought the two of you together!!! Happy Anniversary!

Donna Stark said...

Yes, I love your marriage, too!! You are so great to and for each other. And I love being around you as a couple, too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! i'm so happy to be a part of your lives.