Wednesday, August 18, 2010

dr. laura

I've had a few people email me about my feelings regarding Dr. Laura and her decision to not renew her contract (after over 30 years on radio). At first I was pretty bummed, however Chris informed me that she is moving to podcasts, which is what I listen to anyway. I never listen to her live. I sure do hope she keeps her fan base, or even enlarges it. I've lost track as to how many women have called in and told her that her advice saved their marriages. She has done so much good in that area so hopefully that continues. :) I've never really cared about peoples' opinion that she is, "too harsh". Get over it. Her advice is typically spot on, so just take her message and ignore it's delivery if you can't handle her bluntness (hmmm...maybe that bluntness has rubbed off on me). :)

1 comment:

sfitz said...

Oh friend, for as many things as I have read on your blog and LOVED this is one that I completely UNlove. Dr.Laura gives me anxiety attacks! I totally cannot handle her!